Courtney Hagen


Courses Taken

Introduction to Networking and Security

This course introduces the models, components, functions, architecture, and structure of computer networks. The principles and Internet Protocol (IP) addressing and the fundamentals of Ethernet concepts, media and operations are introduced to provide a foundation for future courses. By the end of this course, learners will be able to build simple Local Area Networks, perform basic configurations for routers and switches, and implement IP addressing schemes.

Introduction to Hardware and Security

This course is an introduction to the hardware components that make up computers in our environment such as PCs, laptops, mobile devices, and embedded systems. Topics covered will include: installation, configuration, maintenance, assembly, repair, and security.

Professional Practices for IT I

This course exposes learners to tools and process that support professional continuous improvement. Focused on communication, collaboration and career development, you will begin to develop the 21st century skills essential for success in the information technology industries. This course will build the foundations for professional habits and methodologies that help graduates remain current and relevant in an ever evolving profession.

Data Fundamentals

This course introduces learners to the concept of a database management system and its role in the IT infrastructure of any business. Learners will use a database management system to develop a database and use this database to store and manipulate data. Learners will also be asked to interpret database diagrams and create database objects based on their meaning.

Introduction to Windows Administration

This course is an introductory course to familiarize the learner with key topics in managing a Windows client operating system.

Logic and Programming

This course provides an introduction to the fundamentals of logic and computer programming, and the roles they play in creating software solutions for any problem. Logic is used to break down software instructions into manageable tasks, to allow for comprehensive problem-solving using computer code. Programming is the act of creating the detailed instructions used by computers to perform any specified task or required behaviour. This course covers the process of creating logical designs and implementing them as programmatic code to build computer software programs.

Professional Practices for IT II

This course develops tools and process that support professional continuous improvement. Focused on communication, collaboration and career development, you will begin to develop the 21st century skills essential for success in the information technology industries. This course will establish professional habits, methodologies and strategies to help graduates remain current and relevant in an ever evolving profession. Learners will also begin to cultivate critical thinking skills and apply processes that support and validate professional decision making.

Introduction to Information Security Practices

This course exposes learners to the challenge of information security in a small business environment. Learners will explore common threats and vulnerabilities, conduct risk assessment, and research and apply mitigation strategies.

Introduction to NOS Administration

This course is an introductory course to familiarize the learner with installing, configuring and maintaining a Windows Server network operating systems (NOS), working in a Domain Environment with a focus on Active Directory (AD) theory, Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) system administration and resource management.

Network Infrastructure

This course describes the operations, components and architecture of routers and switches in a small network (fewer than 200 nodes). By the end of this course, learners will be able to configure routers and switches for basic functionality and troubleshoot and resolve common issues with Virtual Local Area Networks (VLANs) and Inter-VLAN routing on both IPv4 and IPv6 networks.

Introduction to Cloud Computing and Server Virtualization

This course introduces the skills and knowledge required to analyze and manage server virtualization with cloud services, suitable for application in a small to medium business. The course enables learners to develop a fundamental understanding of the economic and technological factors of virtualization and cloud computing services that impact business information technology performance and optimization. Additionally, the course enables learners to comprehend the components of virtual and cloud systems (e.g. storage, resource management and sharing and the benefits of automation).

Operating Systems - Linux

This course introduces the skills and knowledge that will enable the student to install, configure, maintain and troubleshoot a current UNIX based operating system (OS) in standalone workstation mode.

Co-Operative Education

For the summer between my first and second years, I was fortunate enough to work as an IT Intern at GeoSpectrum Technologies Inc. for my Co-Op credit. During my time there, I was exposed to and responsible for a wide variety of things that had I accepted a position elsewhere, I would have not had the opportunity to experience. While there, I was responsible for providing local and remote user support, Active Directory administration, vSphere administration, server modifications, PC deployment and decommissioning, and PC maintenance.

IT Intern - GeoSpectrum Technologies




I was given a few major projects while there, including inventory of all the computer assets, an IT asset tracking policy, and a plan to redesign the network. I strongly believe that because I had this opportunity that I now have an advantage over my colleagues and will forever be grateful for my experience. Below are examples of documents I created during my time at GeoSpectrum based on the work I was doing at the time. Some information is removed for security reasons.

FRS Migration

About a month in to my Co-Op, my supervisor discovered that the domain controllers had not been replicating the SYSVOL due to the main domain controller using FRS replication, and the new domain controllers using DFS replication. I was tasked with resolving this issue. To fix it, I researched and planned the migration of all domain controllers to DFS replication. This did not go smoothly, and I discovered some DNS errors on the way that we needed to resolve. I also discovered a setting in the registry preventing the migration to DFS and needed to fix that. Once we resolved these issues, I proceeded with the migration and it was successful. It ultimately did fix the replication issues. This is the planning document I made and added to as I needed to troubleshoot the problems we faced.

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Office 365 Active Directory Link

One of the major projects underway at GeoSpectrum in the IT department while I was there was the migration to Office 365 from on-site Exchange. I was tasked with researching and documenting how to link our on-site Active Directory with the new Office 365 platform to aid in the migration.

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Network Rework

During my time, I was responsible for planning to implement VLANs on the network. This is the document outlining the steps required. Some information has been redacted for security reasons.

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Phishing Training Presentation

While I was there, an issue with phishing had presented itself. As a response to this, I was tasked with creating a presentation with information on phishing. This was the presentation circulated to all of the employees.

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Certificate Creation Document

One of my first tasks during my time at GeoSpectrum was to create an internal certificate authority to create internal certificates, and to create a document so this can be reproduced when I am no longer there. This is the document I created and referenced many times while making certificates.

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IT Asset Management Policy

After tracking all of the IT assets, I was tasked with drafting a policy for asset management. Here is the final draft before it was put into the company standard.

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Hello! I am currently a second year student in NSCC's IT Systems Management and Security program. I have been interested in technology since childhood, and learning about the integration of psychology in technology was an interest of mine while completing my Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and Linguistics at Saint Mary's University.

Attached to this website are examples of my work at NSCC. Linked below are copies of my cover letter and resume. Thank you for looking!



Thanks for Looking!

VirtualBox, VMware, and Interoperability Presentation

This presentation was made by my group for our Cloud & Virtualization class. The demo portion was a live demo of the same OVF file being used on both programs. Inside of the presentation are shared links to use the OVF file we created.

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An Analysis on School Policies and Procedures

This was an assignment for my Introduction to Information Security Practices class. The purspose was to understand policies in the event that one day we may need to make policies for technology use at prospective jobs.

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Linux Bash Script

This was an assignment for my Linux class. The purpose was to manipulate and create files as per the assignment by creating a bash script.

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Inter-VLAN Routing

This is from an assignment for my Network Infrastructure class. The purpose of this assignment was to configure Inter-VLAN Routing. The download is of the .pkt file of the assignment for those with Packet Tracer.

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Windows Server 2016 Final Assignment

This was created as my final assignment for my Introduction to NOS Administration class. This assignment in particular was for installing a Windows Server 2016 Core server, adding it to a domain, managing it remotely, and creating and mapping a share.

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Windows 10 PowerShell Assignment

This was an assignment for my Windows class. The purpose was to demonstrate my knowledge of using PowerShell. Included is scripts I created using PowerShell.

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Azure Resource Essay

This is from an assignment for my Introduction to Cloud & Virtualization class. The purpose of this assignment was to explore the resources that need to be considered prior to making an Azure build.

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Network Infrastructure Final Assignment

This was my final assignment from my Network Infrastructure class. The purpose of this assignment was to demonstrate what I had learned, and the skills I had gained, from the completion of this course. These skills include but are not limited to configuring DHCP on a Cisco router, LACP, Trunking, InterVLAN Routing, Spanning-Tree Protocol, and redundancy. The download file below is the PKT file for use with Packet Tracer.

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Linux Final Assignment

This was my final assignment from my Operating Systems: Linux Class. In this assignment I demonstrated many administrative tools using Linux such as SSH, Samba shares, VNC, and installing new desktop environments. For the second part of the assignment, I was required to create a custom rescue drive, for which I chose to build using Arch Linux. The document included details my process in creating this.

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Information Security - Configuring Linux Firewalls

This was an assignment for my Introduction to Information Security class. The purpose of this assignment was to demonstrate how I configured Linux firewalls using iptables and UFW.

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